Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has announced the Peterborough Council has been successful in gaining a grant of $17,915 to develop a Branding Strategy from the Federal Government’s highly successful Building Better Regions Fund.
“Tourism is becoming an increasingly important part of the long-term viability of our regional communities and we all have to focus on what it is we have that is unique and how we can best promote it to our advantage”, Mr Ramsey said. “Planning for that objective will not only provide direction, it will provide momentum.”
“I am pleased the District Council of Peterborough was successful in securing funding for their branding strategy,” Mr Ramsey said. “Peterborough is a pretty special place and an enormous amount of work has been done in recent years to preserve its heritage. The challenge is to get the message out there and have people come and enjoy the town.”
“All important tourism regions rely on a successful branding strategy,” Mr Ramsey said “This funding will allow the council to engage a consultant to develop that strategy for the Peterborough region.”
“Australia wide round 3 of the BBRF has set aside up to $70m of the program’s total of $200m for tourism, so it is pleasing that a number of organisations have targeted that pool and been successful.”
“The BBRF has delivered Grey almost $4m in this current round and will take the total delivered from this program and its predessor to more than $40m in the electorate since we came to government in 2013. It underscores commitment to rural Australia.”
“We have seen fantastic outcomes from the first two rounds and I have been very happy with the funding that has made its way into Grey communities. This announcement continues the Government’s commitment to unlocking the economic potential of regional Australia and ensuring our regions continue to thrive.”
Media contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 8633 1744
March 6 2019